The Real Purpose And Value Of Social Media


For most of us, it is relatively easy to get started with social media. Getting results in terms of growing your business is a whole different story. Not so simple. Like anything else in terms of sales, marketing and overall business development, getting results in social media requires consistent effort over a longer period of time.

The real purpose of social media is… to be social. What do you think of someone at a party who only talks about themselves, and who acts like they know everything? It’s no different for a brand that acts that way online.

The real value of social media is in listening and responding when people talk about your brand. Responding doesn’t simply mean telling people how they can get help, or trying to put out online fires.

It’s important to emphasize that for the purposes of marketing and growing successful businesses, that yours should be on building meaningful business and personal relationships online. The lesson here is there are already millions of people ready, willing and able to network with you. And many more to come.

Is it worth the time and the effort? Yes. But it takes time and effort and not everyone is willing to commit to doing what it takes to get results from social networking online.

The theme here for getting started is keep it simple. So if you’re intent on growing your network of people, commit to being online consistently. We make time for the things that matter the most to us. Block time regularly to build your online network of people. It’s like networking in real life. If we don’t keep showing up people forget about us pretty quickly.

Build complete profiles on at least two or three major social networking sites to start. Set up a Twitter account and start “listening.” Join in and participate on the conversations taking place. Blog and micro blog.

Being social online can make a huge difference in terms of growing your network and your business. So be aware of how you’re “showing up” online. Be yourself. Be considerate. Share. Contribute. Help. Make comments that reveal who you are and what you stand for. Make friends because if people don’t like you online, you won’t have the opportunity to build a meaningful relationship.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to commit to your social media marketing, outsource it.  Hire a freelancer to concentrate on your social media.  Make a conscious effort to include social media marketing along with your content creation and blog in your digital marketing strategy.  Need help getting started?  Let us know, we’d be happy to have a chat with you about your social networking needs.

Until next time, here’s to your success!

Paige Jackson

Create 2 Sell